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Toll of Tobacco: The Impact of Smoking on Oral Health

It is common knowledge that smoking is injurious to health and is one of the leading causes of cancer. However, cancer is not the only disease caused by cigarettes. There is a multifaceted impact of smoking on oral health potentially leading to a range of serious health concerns. From ruining the natural appearance of your teeth to complete tooth loss, neglecting oral hygiene can lead to various dental issues.

smoking and oral hygiene

Here are some issues caused by smoking and oral hygiene mismanagement:

  • Bad Breath: 
    Smoking is a direct contributor to bad breath, given the presence of noxious chemicals in tobacco. To prevent situations where people avoid face-to-face conversations due to bad breath, it’s crucial to address potential causes, such as smoking. You can avoid the embarrassment by reducing your smoking habits or, ideally, quitting altogether. This can help improve your overall oral hygiene and social interactions.
  • Teeth Discolouration: 
    In the context of teeth, another common subject of embarrassment and low confidence is stained and discoloured teeth. Cigarettes contain nicotine and tar that easily lead to yellow and brown spots on your teeth, dulling the brightness of your smile. The worst part is that regular dental hygiene practices are usually not sufficient in counteracting this trouble. 
  • Teeth Discolouration:  
    In the context of teeth, another common subject of embarrassment and low confidence is stained and discoloured teeth. Cigarettes contain nicotine and tar that easily lead to yellow and brown spots on your teeth, dulling the brightness of your smile. The worst part is that regular dental hygiene practices are usually not sufficient in counteracting this trouble. 
  • Gum Disease: 
    Smoking can contribute to gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, which is counted among major oral health concerns. It is a severe infection in which the tissues of the supporting structure of teeth get damaged, leading to swollen, bleeding gums, receding gum lines, and even tooth loss in extreme cases. This happens due to the chemicals in tobacco, hindering blood flow to the gums and compromising immune response.
  • Delayed Healing After Dental Procedures:
    It is not uncommon among smokers to experience delayed healing after dental procedures such as extractions or oral surgeries because smoking impairs blood flow and reduces oxygen supply to the surgical site. This can prolong recovery times. That is why dentists often recommend quitting smoking prior to dental procedures, so that healing can be expedited.
  • Reduced Sense of Taste and Smell:
    A common impact of smoking on oral health is a compromised sense of taste and smell. This, in turn, impacts one’s ability to fully enjoy food and beverages. The chemicals in tobacco damage taste buds and olfactory receptors, diminishing the overall sensory experience. For those who appreciate good food, quitting smoking is advised to regain the full enjoyment of meals, embracing their complete taste and aroma.
  • Oral Cancer:
    The increased risk of developing oral cancer is the most widely-known and severe consequence of smoking on oral health. The carcinogenic substances in cigarette smoke cause cancer in the mouth, lips, tongue, and throat. Since the symptoms of oral cancer are usually not so apparent, the only way to detect it at an early stage is to schedule regular dental check-ups.

    By now, you must have realized that the best thing you can do with your cigarettes is to throw the entire stash in a garbage bin. Smoking is not only a leading cause of cancer but also the reason you may lack the confidence to smile or speak in public due to the fear of discolored teeth or bad breath. We urge you to quit smoking today because maintaining your oral health requires care and attention. For making sure that your teeth and gums are healthy, consider opting for regular check-ups at Six Sigma Dentistry, a trusted clinic for dental health issues in Gurgaon.

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