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Restorative Dentistry

Cavity Filling 

Cavity filling is a process where decayed tooth material is removed and replaced by filling material to restore its normal function and shape.Filling the cavity protect the tooth from further decay.


  1. Gold fillings
  2. Amalgam Fillings
  3. Porcelain filling/ Tooth coloured cavity filling

Dental Cap/Crown/ bridge

A tooth cap or crown covers the tooth to restore its shape, size, function and strength. It is recommended to cap a root canal treated tooth to avoid fractures, it is placed on a Dental Implant, used to restore fractured tooth, for a smile makeover to improve appearance.

Dental Bridges- Dental Bridges are used to replace one or more missing teeth by taking the support of the adjacent natural teeth. Putting a dental bridge avoids problems like rotation or shifting of adjacent teeth which results in disturbed bite, gum diseases, decay of adjacent teeth and supra eruption of opposite tooth.

Types of Dental Caps/Crowns & Bridges:

  1. PFM (Porcelain Fused to Metal)
  2. All  Porcelain
  3. Zirconia
  4. CAD/ CAM

Fitting a crown requires at least two visits to the dentist’s office. Initially, the Restorative dentist removes decay and shapes the tooth; makes an impression and fits a temporary or transitional crown of plastic or metal. In a subsequent visit, the dentist removes the temporary crown, fits and adjusts the final crown and cements the crown into place.

Before After


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