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Dental Tips to Protect Your Teeth & Maintain Good Oral Health

Among all the things you ought to protect in life, your teeth should certainly be one. In order to maintain strong and healthy teeth, knowing how to maintain good oral hygiene is essential. It is not only important for ensuring an impressive smile but also for your overall well being. If you are not sincere about your oral health, the consequences can come in various forms – cavities, tooth discolouration, gum disease and many more.

Fortunately, you can safeguard your beautiful smile by following a few simple tips for healthy teeth and gums. This blog brings to you five dental tips that can effectively help you maintain a good oral health and prevent common dental complications. 

  • Don’t stop at just brushing twice a day:
    Laziness might want to limit your oral hygiene steps to brushing your teeth twice a day, but just know that it does not suffice. Though it is a fundamental practice for good oral hygiene, the key lies in doing it effectively and going beyond just brushing everyday. For proper dental hygiene, you should incorporate flossing and using mouthwash in your daily routine. It cleans the parts of your mouth that a toothbrush can’t reach. As far as brushing is concerned, it is advisable to brush your teeth using a fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Not all that you eat is okay for your teeth:
    The impact of your diet on your oral health is greater than you think. Sugary snacks and acidic beverages are known to be the biggest enemies of healthy teeth. Food items that are highly acidic or have high content of sugar can contribute to tooth decay and enamel erosion. So, it is advised to limit the intake of such food items and instead opt for a diet that has a good balance of dairy products, fruits, and vegetables as these contain nutrients essential for maintaining strong teeth and gums. Furthermore, drinking water regularly is also an effective way to maintain good oral hygiene, as the water throughout the day maintains saliva production and rinses away food particles and bacteria. 
  • Protect your teeth from injury: 
    While damaged teeth from accidents are a common occurrence, taking precautions can minimise the risk of such mishaps, even though accidents themselves may be unavoidable. If you participate in sports or activities with high risk of accidents, it is only wise to wear a mouthguard. It can significantly reduce the risk of chipped or broken teeth, protecting your teeth during physical activities. So, whenever your teeth are at a risk, always take necessary precautions.
  • Smoking is bad for your dental hygiene: 
    Beyond its well-known impact on lungs, smoking also wreaks havoc on your dental hygiene. Tooth decay, gum disease, and development of oral cancer are some major issues faced as a consequence of tobacco consumption. Besides, bad breath is also a common issue attributed to regular smoking or chewing of tobacco. If you’re someone who consumes tobacco in any form, you may want to start making efforts to quit smoking. You may also seek help and resources from your dental healthcare expert for quitting. 
  • Schedule regular dental check-ups:
    Following a well-established dental care routine certainly helps you prevent dental health complications, but it does not eliminate the need for routine check-ups. Despite good oral hygiene, it is essential to visit your dentist at least once every six months to get professional cleaning services and get stubborn plaque and tartar removed. Furthermore, your dentist can also identify potential issues early on and guide you safeguard your teeth from any potential threats.
  • When it comes to protecting your teeth, a proactive approach to maintain good oral health is required. It takes various oral hygiene steps, not limited to just brushing your teeth regularly. The idea of good dental care is going an extra mile and opting for what is healthy for your teeth and keeping a check on what is not. Furthermore, it is strongly advised to see your dentist because involving a professional is among the most vital dental tips, as it ensures you are safe from any serious dental concerns. For optimal and professional dental care, we recommend scheduling regular appointments with Six Sigma Dentistry, renowned as one of the premier dental clinics in Gurgaon. All in all, to keep your teeth protected, a responsible approach for dental care is a must. 



  • Dorothy
    Posted February 3, 2023 at 3:58 pm

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    • Kevin
      Posted February 3, 2023 at 4:00 pm

      At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.

  • Roxy
    Posted February 3, 2023 at 4:01 pm

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