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Toll of Tobacco: The Impact of Smoking on Oral Health

Toll of Tobacco: The Impact of Smoking on Oral Health

It is common knowledge that smoking is injurious to health and is one of the leading causes of cancer. However, cancer is not the only disease caused by cigarettes. There is a multifaceted impact of smoking on oral health potentially leading to a range of serious health concerns. From ruining the natural appearance of your teeth to complete tooth loss, neglecting oral hygiene can lead to various dental issues.

smoking and oral hygiene

Here are some issues caused by smoking and oral hygiene mismanagement:

  1. Bad Breath: 

Smoking is a direct contributor to bad breath, given the presence of noxious chemicals in tobacco. To prevent situations where people avoid face-to-face conversations due to bad breath, it’s crucial to address potential causes, such as smoking. You can avoid the embarrassment by reducing your smoking habits or, ideally, quitting altogether. This can help improve your overall oral hygiene and social interactions.

  1. Teeth Discolouration: 

In the context of teeth, another common subject of embarrassment and low confidence is stained and discoloured teeth. Cigarettes contain nicotine and tar that easily lead to yellow and brown spots on your teeth, dulling the brightness of your smile. The worst part is that regular dental hygiene practices are usually not sufficient in counteracting this trouble. 

  1. Gum Disease:

Smoking can contribute to gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, which is counted among major oral health concerns. It is a severe infection in which the tissues of the supporting structure of teeth get damaged, leading to swollen, bleeding gums, receding gum lines, and even tooth loss in extreme cases. This happens due to the chemicals in tobacco, hindering blood flow to the gums and compromising immune response.

  1. Delayed Healing After Dental Procedures:

It is not uncommon among smokers to experience delayed healing after dental procedures such as extractions or oral surgeries because smoking impairs blood flow and reduces oxygen supply to the surgical site. This can prolong recovery times. That is why dentists often recommend quitting smoking prior to dental procedures, so that healing can be expedited.

  1. Reduced Sense of Taste and Smell:

A common impact of smoking on oral health is a compromised sense of taste and smell. This, in turn, impacts one’s ability to fully enjoy food and beverages. The chemicals in tobacco damage taste buds and olfactory receptors, diminishing the overall sensory experience. For those who appreciate good food, quitting smoking is advised to regain the full enjoyment of meals, embracing their complete taste and aroma.

  1. Oral Cancer:

The increased risk of developing oral cancer is the most widely-known and severe consequence of smoking on oral health. The carcinogenic substances in cigarette smoke cause cancer in the mouth, lips, tongue, and throat. Since the symptoms of oral cancer are usually not so apparent, the only way to detect it at an early stage is to schedule regular dental check-ups.

By now, you must have realized that the best thing you can do with your cigarettes is to throw the entire stash in a garbage bin. Smoking is not only a leading cause of cancer but also the reason you may lack the confidence to smile or speak in public due to the fear of discolored teeth or bad breath. We urge you to quit smoking today because maintaining your oral health requires care and attention. For making sure that your teeth and gums are healthy, consider opting for regular check-ups at Six Sigma Dentistry, a trusted clinic for dental health issues in Gurgaon.


Dental Tips to Protect Your Teeth & Maintain Good Oral Health

Dental Tips to Protect Your Teeth & Maintain Good Oral Health

Among all the things you ought to protect in life, your teeth should certainly be one. In order to maintain strong and healthy teeth, knowing how to maintain good oral hygiene is essential. It is not only important for ensuring an impressive smile but also for your overall well being. If you are not sincere about your oral health, the consequences can come in various forms – cavities, tooth discolouration, gum disease and many more. 

Fortunately, you can safeguard your beautiful smile by following a few simple tips for healthy teeth and gums. This blog brings to you five dental tips that can effectively help you maintain a good oral health and prevent common dental complications. 

  1. Don’t stop at just brushing twice a day:

Laziness might want to limit your oral hygiene steps to brushing your teeth twice a day, but just know that it does not suffice. Though it is a fundamental practice for good oral hygiene, the key lies in doing it effectively and going beyond just brushing everyday. For proper dental hygiene, you should incorporate flossing and using mouthwash in your daily routine. It cleans the parts of your mouth that a toothbrush can’t reach. As far as brushing is concerned, it is advisable to brush your teeth using a fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush.

  1. Not all that you eat is okay for your teeth:

The impact of your diet on your oral health is greater than you think. Sugary snacks and acidic beverages are known to be the biggest enemies of healthy teeth. Food items that are highly acidic or have high content of sugar can contribute to tooth decay and enamel erosion. So, it is advised to limit the intake of such food items and instead opt for a diet that has a good balance of dairy products, fruits, and vegetables as these contain nutrients essential for maintaining strong teeth and gums. Furthermore, drinking water regularly is also an effective way to maintain good oral hygiene, as the water throughout the day maintains saliva production and rinses away food particles and bacteria. 

  1. Protect your teeth from injury: 

While damaged teeth from accidents are a common occurrence, taking precautions can minimise the risk of such mishaps, even though accidents themselves may be unavoidable. If you participate in sports or activities with high risk of accidents, it is only wise to wear a mouthguard. It can significantly reduce the risk of chipped or broken teeth, protecting your teeth during physical activities. So, whenever your teeth are at a risk, always take necessary precautions.

  1. Smoking is bad for your dental hygiene: 

Beyond its well-known impact on lungs, smoking also wreaks havoc on your dental hygiene. Tooth decay, gum disease, and development of oral cancer are some major issues faced as a consequence of tobacco consumption. Besides, bad breath is also a common issue attributed to regular smoking or chewing of tobacco. If you’re someone who consumes tobacco in any form, you may want to start making efforts to quit smoking. You may also seek help and resources from your dental healthcare expert for quitting. 

  1. Schedule regular dental check-ups:

Following a well-established dental care routine certainly helps you prevent dental health complications, but it does not eliminate the need for routine check-ups. Despite good oral hygiene, it is essential to visit your dentist at least once every six months to get professional cleaning services and get stubborn plaque and tartar removed. Furthermore, your dentist can also identify potential issues early on and guide you safeguard your teeth from any potential threats.

When it comes to protecting your teeth, a proactive approach to maintain good oral health is required. It takes various oral hygiene steps, not limited to just brushing your teeth regularly. The idea of good dental care is going an extra mile and opting for what is healthy for your teeth and keeping a check on what is not. Furthermore, it is strongly advised to see your dentist because involving a professional is among the most vital dental tips, as it ensures you are safe from any serious dental concerns. For optimal and professional dental care, we recommend scheduling regular appointments with Six Sigma Dentistry, renowned as one of the premier dental clinics in Gurgaon. All in all, to keep your teeth protected, a responsible approach for dental care is a must. 


5 Best Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments to Revive Your Smile

5 Best Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments to Revive Your Smile

Without a doubt, all smiles are precious and beautiful. From expressing confidence and joy to making one appear charming, a smile has endless purposes to serve. But some people may lack confidence in the appearance of their smiles due to various dental conditions. Whether fortunately or unfortunately, having teeth in the right shape and colour is a prerequisite. While many are fortunate to have naturally perfect sets of teeth, others are just a cosmetic dentistry procedure away from winning hearts with their smiles. So, if you want more confidence with perfect teeth, consider one of the popular dentistry procedures below based on your specific challenges!

Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures Are :

  1. Teeth Whitening: Among a broad population, something as seemingly trivial as teeth discoloration or stains can become a hindrance, robbing individuals of the confidence to smile wholeheartedly. Despite the prevalence of this dental issue, effective procedures are readily accessible. If you suspect that your teeth have been affected by discoloration or staining, simply consult a dental professional for a teeth whitening treatment. This cosmetic dental treatment is fast, non-invasive, and generally affordable in most parts of the world. You can maintain clean, natural-coloured teeth for a long time after undergoing this simple procedure with the right care. 
  1. Invisalign: If there is a cosmetic procedure that has truly revolutionised orthodontic treatments for misaligned or crooked teeth, it is Invisalign. The procedure effectively replaces the traditional visible teeth braces with transparent aligners that are not only virtually invisible but also removable. These braces or aligners are widely being adopted to fix dental issues such as gaps, misalignments, and crowding. So, if you are dealing with any of these challenges, this is the most discreet and convenient option to go for.
  1. Dental Veneers: If you find your teeth imperfect and wish to hide the imperfections like stains, misalignment, and chips behind a perfect casing, dental veneers are what you need. These are custom-made shells crafted from either composite resin or porcelain and possess the ability to instantly transform the appearance of your smile. When compared to other cosmetic dentistry procedures like dental implants, veneers entail minimal invasion of your original tooth enamel, as the shells are bonded to the front surface of your teeth.
  1. Dental Crown: Dental crown refers to a crown made from porcelain or ceramic mimicking the appearance of the natural teeth. This cosmetic treatment for teeth is widely opted to address dental issues such as discoloured or uneven teeth by encasing them under the crowns. If you are looking for a way to achieve a symmetrical and impressive smile with even looking teeth, dental crowning is definitely a procedure to consider.
  1. Dental Implants: Designed to replace missing teeth, dental implants involve the implantation of a titanium post into the jawbone. The purpose is to create a stable foundation for attaching a crown. One of the most vital types of procedures in cosmetic dentistry, dental implants serve both aesthetic and functional purposes. Apart from enhancing chewing capabilities, they also contribute to a more confident communication style as well as a flawless smile.

All in all, the quest for a perfect smile can be achieved through various cosmetic dentistry procedures. From addressing teeth discoloration with teeth whitening to discreetly aligning misaligned teeth with Invisalign, and from hiding imperfections with dental veneers to achieving a symmetrical smile with dental crowns, there are tailored solutions for everyone. And when these procedures fail to help, there are long-term solutions in place like dental implants at rescue. To preserve or enhance your precious smile, it is recommended to place your trust in Dentistry, an excellent cosmetic dental clinic located in Gurgaon. At Dentistry, cost-effective options are available for the best dental cosmetic treatments. Keep that smile wide and gorgeous!


8 Common Misconceptions About Oral Health You Must Miss Out On

8 Common Misconceptions About Oral Health You Must Miss Out On

In the vast ocean of information available on the internet, it’s not uncommon to accept misconceptions dressed as truths. This also holds true when it comes to oral health. We often come across information about dental well-being, whether through reading or hearing, that may or may not be accurate but feels believable to many of us. We are here to bust some common myths to guide you in protecting yourself against misinformation and maintaining healthy teeth in a more foolproof way.

Misconception 1: Hard toothbrush is better

Truth: Brushing hard or using a hard-bristled toothbrush may sound like a better approach for an effective cleaning but it is one of the most commonly accepted misconceptions. Hard brushing is directly related to enamel damage and gum recession. It is always advisable to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush your teeth in a gentle manner in circular motions. 

Misconception 2: Cavities are caused only by excessive consumption of sugar

Truth: While it is true that high sugar consumption increases the risk for cavities, it is not the sole reason why we get cavities. The most common factor that leads to cavities is poor oral hygiene. To avoid cavities and tooth decay, practise post-meal rinsing and brushing.  

Misconception 3: Dental floss is unnecessary if you brush your teeth regularly

Truth: Regularly brushing your teeth is essential but not an adequate practice to maintain good oral health. Flossing is strongly advised because it is imperative for cleaning the areas where plaque and food particles tend to accumulate, and brushing alone cannot access. 

Misconception 4: Oral health only concerns the mouth

Truth: It is understandable if you believe that poor oral health only affects your mouth because it is a very common myth. But you ought to steer clear of this misconception and know that your oral health is directly related to your overall well being. Studies have shown that poor oral health is associated with heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory issues.

Misconception 5: Gum disease is rare

Truth: Gum disease is much more common than you may think. According to the statistics of World Health Organization, around 19% of the adult global population, accounting for over 1 billion cases worldwide, is estimated to be impacted by severe periodontal diseases.

Misconception 6: Chewing gum is a substitute for brushing your teeth

Truth: Chewing gum may possibly promote cleaner teeth and fresher breath, but it is not a substitute for brushing. The truth is, even gum aiding oral health cannot replace the effectiveness of brushing because it cannot possibly remove plaque buildup from your teeth.

Misconception 7: Whitening toothpaste has the potential to dramatically brighten teeth

Truth: Whitening toothpaste can help remove surface stains from your teeth, but it may not significantly change their natural colour. If you are seeking noticeable change in the appearance of your teeth, professional teeth whitening procedures are more effective.

Misconception 8: You don’t need to visit a dentist unless it’s an emergency

Truth: In the early stages, dental concerns may not necessarily exhibit noticeable symptoms. So, it is not the best approach to assume that you have healthy teeth just because they appear and feel fine. To maintain good oral health and to detect problems like gum disease, cavities, and oral cancers at an early stage, regular dental check-ups are essential.  

Oral Health in India

Here are some statistics that give an overview of the burden of poor oral health in India:

  • 85-90% of adults in India have dental caries, also known as tooth decay
  • 43.3% of adults in India suffer from a mild gum infection called gingivitis
  • 7.1% of adults in India have periodontitis
  • Approximately 12.1% of the population in India exhibits signs of fluorosis which is caused by the excessive intake of fluoride
  • Approximately 10 out of every 100,000 individuals in India are diagnosed with oral cancer annually

For safeguarding against unhealthy oral practices and ensuring expert dental care, we recommend Six Sigma Dentistry, which is one of the best dental clinics in Gurgaon. The clinic is led by industry experts and ensures personalized and comprehensive treatment for all your dental needs. Trust our committed team to provide accurate information, guiding you toward a healthy and vibrant smile. 

If you wish to delve deeper into understanding the best tips for healthy teeth, here is an insightful guide for you.


Periodontal Disease: A Guide to Understand, Prevent and Treat it

Periodontal Disease: A Guide to Understand, Prevent and Treat it

Generally referred to as gum disease, periodontal disease or periodontitis is a common but concerning gum infection. The buildup of germs and bacteria on your teeth and gums causes this infection. It is responsible for damaging the soft tissue around your teeth, which severely affects the strength of the supporting structure of the teeth. In its initial stage, this disease is relatively easier to prevent. But in the advanced stage, it may lead to tooth loss.

The classification of periodontal disease:

Gingivitis: The infection begins with gingivitis, which is inflammation of gums. When left untreated for a long period of time, it may further develop into a serious and painful dental condition.

Early Periodontitis: When gingivitis has progressed to weaken the supporting structure of the teeth, it is termed as ‘Early Periodontitis’. This stage is generally characterized by bad breath and receding gums.

Moderate Periodontitis: In this stage of the disease, the bone and fibers supporting teeth get damaged with a continued deterioration and discoloration of the teeth. 

Advanced Periodontitis: The last stage of periodontal disease is marked by a severe damage to the supporting structures, sometimes leading to bone or tooth loss. Thus, periodontal disease treatment at an early stage is strongly advised. 

If you are wondering if you have periodontitis, you may experience a combination of some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Gum disease often leads to the swelling and reddening of the gums
  • Spitting blood while brushing the teeth may be a sign that you have periodontitis
  • When the condition worsens and starts weakening the teeth’s supporting structures, the teeth start to lose their firmness and become loose
  • If you are dealing with persistent foul breath, your gums may be at the risk of developing the disease
  • Gums pulling away from the teeth, making them appear longer, is called receding gums, and is a common symptom
  • Though in the initial stages, toothache is not one of the primary symptoms, you may start to experience toothache in the moderate and advanced stages of periodontitis

Here are the top 6 factors that are usually associated with the development of periodontal disease:

  1. Poor Oral Hygiene: Like many other dental diseases, periodontal disease may be caused by inadequate brushing and flossing.
  1. Plaque Buildup: The accumulation of plaque, a sticky film of bacteria on the teeth, is a primary cause. Plaque can harden into tartar if not removed through proper oral care.
  1. Tobacco: Chewing or smoking of tobacco plays a major role in the advancement of periodontitis. 
  1. Genetics: Genetic factors may make some individuals more susceptible to developing gum diseases.
  1. Low Nutrients Diet: A diet that lacks essential nutrients such as vitamin C may contribute to such gum diseases.
  1. Certain Medical Conditions: There are some medical conditions such as diabetes and hormonal imbalance that also increase the risk of periodontitis.

Risk Factors for Periodontal Disease

To steer clear of the risk factors for periodontal disease follow the prevention tips below:

  1. Regular Brushing: Brushing your teeth twice a day is always recommended to minimize risk of periodontal disease.
  1. Flossing: To clean the areas of your teeth that toothbrush may miss, flossing daily is strongly advised.
  1. Avoid Tobacco: If you chew or smoke tobacco, consider quitting in order to avoid gum infections.
  1. Healthy Diet: Eating a balanced diet is an essential factor in maintaining good oral health and avoiding such gum infections.
  1. Limit Sugary Foods: Excessive intake of sugary food and drinks directly contributes to formation of plaque. 
  1. Regular Dental Checkups: To avoid unnecessary complications, you are advised to regularly visit your dentist to start periodontal disease treatment at an early stage. 

If you are grappling with periodontal disease, here’s our recommendation: 

For top-notch periodontal disease treatment in Gurgaon, we recommend you to head to Six Sigma Dentistry Gurgaon. Known for our commitment to excellence, our experienced team employs advanced techniques to provide personalized care, ensuring effective management of various stages of periodontal issues. From routine cleanings to specialized procedures, Six Sigma Dentistry offers comprehensive solutions for optimal oral health.


What causes periodontal disease?

It is a gum infection caused by the buildup of germs and bacteria on gums and teeth that weakens the support structure of teeth.

How can I prevent periodontal disease?

This disease can be prevented by maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding food and substances that are not good for your oral health.

Which is the best dental clinic for treating periodontal disease?

Six Sigma Dentistry Gurgaon is the best dental clinic where you can trust the experienced team to take care of your gum infection.
